Daily Archives: September 17, 2010

All Things are Possible


Is it just me or are you waiting for fall.   I am fighting the urge to start cocooning myself while sipping tea and filling my house with the aroma of pumpkin pie.   I know that technically it isn’t fall yet but in my head we were there weeks ago only (here in Los Angeles)  the weather, at least in the afternoon, isn’t cooperating.   I actually turned on my air conditioner around 1:00 for two consecutive days.   The mornings (until about 9:00) have been lovely and cool.   I love it when the day starts that way.   It makes drinking coffee all the more enjoyable.

All that being said……. I have reached another milestone in my musical journey. (it’s not the kind of musical journey where music comes out of no where and people are dancing in the middle of the street)   I have been fighting back my own fears of success and the urge to throw in the towel and have emerged victorious…well for now anyway.   I have, count em’, two rehearsals under my belt and have actually picked a date (I think) for my concert and my opportunity to debut some of these new songs that I have been working on.   It will be good to bring them into the light and allow them to sort of take on a new life.   Drum roll………………..Friday October 29th!    I will be singing …..even if no one shows up.   I know a few of you will but I am hoping for a few newbies who have yet  to hear some of my own stuff and not the stuff I sing at church.

It makes me feel all grown up to even talk about such things.   It feels like maybe (just maybe) I have an actual career that is of my making and it feels like an old, comfortable pair of shoes.   I am hoping that my voice will hold out as I have been having some trouble with that but will be seeing someone about that on the 14th (say a little prayer) and hope to have some sort of diagnosis or a clean bill of health……but that is for another post.    I choose to be happy about things today and happy for every small victory that I can claim.  “With God, all things are possible”!